When I received the canvas I noticed it is very solid and sturdy. The canvas is wrapped around solid wood. I picked the side color as black, which matches the black letters on the print. The quality of the canvas is really great. The colors are beautiful and the canvas is very smooth to the touch.
I wanted something not cheaply made, and wanted it heavy duty with good quality so it will last, this definitely is the piece for me. I cannot say enough about the quality. The price of some of the items are expensive, however the quality of the art work is worth the price in my opinion.
The only con I have is that the top left part is a bit torn (see picture). This easily could have happened during shipping, but otherwise it is in great shape!
Please check out the website to see what they have to offer: http://www.fulcrumgallery.com/c7767/contemporary-art.htm
***This review is based on my experience with the product. I am not affiliated with the company and everything in this review is my opinion.